Friday, August 5, 2011

Positive Affirmation - Not just for Alcoholics, Middle Aged Women and the Overweight.

My mother always tells me, "You have to be who you want to attract." Meaning who you become involved with is often a direct reflection of you.
Given that, it definitely makes sense that I've had a string of total bags o' crap.
So obviously, for a lot of reasons, I need to make some major changes.
And I definitely need to work on my friggin self esteem. Thus, I have picked up some post-it notes. Whenever I think something positive about myself, or my situation, I write it on one of those little, yellow, sticky notes and I stick it up on my fridge. After my fridge, the bathroom mirror, after the bathroom mirror, the walls, so on and so forth.
I plan to wallpaper my house with self esteem.

My Affirmations:

There are people who think unflattering things about it. Their opinions don't matter.
Most people who believe that I am psychotic-crazy (I'm just regular type crazy), whorish, vindictive, etc. Don't know me, they know my ex. And he lies, a lot. Anyone who believes him is stupid. And generally the people who think these things, are pretty trashy.
Everyone I have in my corner loves me.
I have the best friends and family in the world. Enough said.
I actually do get hit on, a lot.
Even if BatShit husband tells me I'm disgusting, my kids tell me I'm beautiful every day.
And they are the only ones who matter.
I deserve to take a shower, at all costs.
And the people around me deserve to have me take a shower.
This state I'm in, cannot and will not last forever.
That cute guy in the garage out back keeps trying to talk to me. He sees I have kids, and finds me attractive enough to pursue me anyway.
If I could just get over myself and my marriage enough to do more than just silently walk away....

And on my bathroom mirror:
Your loss, Bat Shit husband. Your loss.

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