Friday, August 12, 2011

Shitty Internet Dating Volume 2

At Parker's request. This guy was not quite as dumb. Not quite:

From: Mike <>

Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: XXXXXXX

Hi there , just wanted to respond to your ad , it is one of the nicest one I read , I do have a job been there 15yrs, I have a full set of teeth , no drugs, own my own house and car , motorcycle, I am married though not happy with it , been like this for some time now and I understand if not interested , but if I am single some day I will look you up because you seem like a decent person , I'm 35 and weigh 210 lbs , have 2 kids , girls they are my world , Mike ,,, ps forgot to add I'm not a murder or rapest , have a good day : )
Re: Looking for something new
TO: 1 recipient
Yeah, no. Totally unacceptable. You shouldn't be even looking if you're still married, at least separate first. Seriously. I am really bothered by this. I've been that woman. I hope you go home to your wife at some point in the near future and she finds a reason to punch you in your face. Unhappy? LEAVE. That's what the rest of the honest world does. If your kids were your world you wouldn't sneak around on their mother. I can't emphasize enough how disgusted I am. If I hear about a Lorena Bobbett copycat, and you as the victim, I won't feel that bad. I might chuckle.
Married men need not apply. Ok?

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